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Student Kitesurf Association Beginner weekend Aberavon South walesWOW !!!! ZERO TO HERO what a weekend! The SKA pulled it out of the bag with an amazing event for kite virgins. With the focus on kite skills and safety as well as having an enjoyable first time experience the Student Kitesurf Association proved just what they can achieve. With support from ourselves here at ExPix, Flexifoil and Mystic the student kitesurf events are looking very strong for the future! Check out the rest of the report to see what went down last weekend in Aberavon, South Wales. 

The Student Kitesurfing Association (SKA) events calendar got off to a flying start this last weekend. Organised by the SKA, and hosted by Blast Kiteboarding, the Beginner’s Weekend ran for two days at Aberavon Beach, South Wales.

A massive congratulations has to go to  Harry Gregory from Bristol Uni who, as the SKA Beginner's rep, did a wicked job of organising the logistics for the event; event site, accommodation, enlisting the help of the Blast Kiteboarding team and the infamous SKA party!

The Student Kitesurf Association events have come a long way from the old Aussie Kiss style events. Gone are the huge numbers of people who end up standing around waiting for tuition or time kite flying and in has come a new more structured event, which has support from the industry. Flexifoil have been a massive help in providing more kit for the students to use to teach with and this, coupled with the fact that they are 'bringing in' professional schools to help with the tutoring when required; the SKA are proving to be a force to be reckoned with.

With over 50 complete beginners alongside a further 60 'guests' attend from universities across the country including: London, Exeter, Bristol, Reading, Plymouth, Swansea, Bath and Southampton, the Beginner's Weekend was the SKA's biggest and most important event since 2008

With a promised 4 hours tuition time for each beginner, the SKA enlisted the help of Blast Kiteboarding who provided fully qualified kite instructors and together with student instructors from university clubs they were able to cope with the high demands enabling the SKA to concentrate on the event logistics.

The briefing started around 10am at what was the 'base camp' for the event in the car park. With several vans, marquees and flags it was obvious that 'something' was happening and it didn't go unnoticed with the locals who came across to see what was happening and to show their appreciation and support that the SKA were using the area.With the beach zoned off the teaching started and for those down for the ride, alternative entertainment was provided in the form of beach sports. Roly poly races, dizzy races 'cartwheel races' and beach football all made the Super Sporty Kitesports and Beach Sports, Sports Day Fun something to remember, infact you could say it will scar one or two of us for life! (you just had to be there!)

Back in the teaching zone there was just enough wind to allow the beginners to fly the kites. With the October sun beating down and the light winds lifting the kites everyone could be forgiven for thinking this was mid summer and not October; never the less there were a lot of happy faces as the event delivered.

Obviously as with any student event there is the social side to things and the Beginner's Weekend climaxed with new unseen challenges in the form of the SKA party. After a mix up with the previous party location; they double booked a 21st and a 50th alongside a student event, Nigel and the guys at L & A Activity Centre in Goytre where the students were staying stepped in and the SKA committee had approx 2 hours to decorate the room and find a sound system. NO PROBLEMO! Like a colony of army ants the students set about erecting flags, kites and banners and within no time the room looked amazing.

With no DJ the SKA had to make do with a 'domestic sound system' and small amp but as the lights were turned off and it was found that UV lights were already in place you wouldn't have known that you weren't in a club.

ExPix set up the screen to show the images from the day's action and as the students donned their 'tribal' fancy dress they found that the arm wallets from ITZ, who sponsored the Beginner's Weekend were a perfect accessory for a night out in costume. So everything was set for an amazing evening and as the party, or baptism of fire, as some Fresher's might prefer to think of it began, you could tell it was going to be one very 'interesteing' night, reaching the newest of heights and boy did it reach them!

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